Rangatahi Youth Services.
We incorporate group programmes with one to one individualised support to address anti-social behaviour and set goals for the future.
Youth Justice support services.
This Service is for Rangatahi who have entered the Youth Justice system and are referred to the service via CYF Youth Justice, Police Youth Aid and Youth Court staff.
The key objective of the services is to reduce the risk of re-offending by providing support and mentoring that supports healthy lifestyles and a reintegration into the education sector. We focus on the Whānau of each Rangatahi, recognising there may be Whānau issues that need to be addressed in order to support compliance and reduced risk of future reoffending.
This service includes:
Assistance to remain or re-enter education services
Access vocational training programmes or work experience
Activity-based day programmes; involvement in a range of activities and programmes (e.g. sport, recreation, cultural, health, self-knowledge/growth) designed to link the young person positively to their whānau and wider community
Cultural awareness
Service components:
Supported Bail
Supervision with Activity
Youth Ordered Mentoring
Youth Development Plan
Community Youth Programme
Mana Taiohi
Youth Mentoring.
An intensive one to one mentoring service for at risk Māori rangatahi aged between 12-17 years and their whānau. Rangatahi who enter into this programme may have high need and complex cases which often result in a state of dis-empowerment.
The Mentor will work in collaboration with the whānau and rangatahi to develop personalised plans outlining strategies to address complex issues and provide support, advocacy and manaakitanga for pre-determined goals to be met.
The key aims and common objectives of individualised developmental plans are:
Drugs/alcohol education
Bullying and Harassment prevention strategies
Future goal setting and educational/vocational development
Increased self esteem and confidence and building positive relationships with whānau
Engaging in constructive social connections with peers
Physical and mental wellbeing and cultural development
Hapai Pukuriri/Emotional Regulation.
An integrated holistic approach to supporting whānau who have tamariki/rangatahi who would like to understand how to manage emotional regulation.
The focus of this kaupapa is to get to the root of the problem by working collaboratively with the schools and whānau to assist by addressing issues that may be impacting on their tamariki/rangatahi.
Key Objective
To provide the tools within a kaupapa Māori framework for rangatahi to manage and to no longer be a victim of themselves and others.
Learn to recognise what is anger
Strategies to manage our own anger
The positive and negative aspects of anger
Expressing our anger without hurting ourselves and others
Understanding the importance of time out and relaxation to process anger rising
Supporting rangatahi to make long term changes to achieve whānau ora
Counselling Service for Rangatahi
Comprehensive and cultural based counselling services are provided by Maataa Waka. Councillors are qualified and are either internal or external to the organisation depending on suitability and availability.
Whānau will be assessed to identify the issues and ensure that the Rangatahi is placed with the most appropriate counsellor.