Mauri Ora 5km Hīkoi along the river is to acknowledge Every Life Matters
After the hikoi along the river we will make out way back to Maataa Waka where we will have kai, entertainment, live music, guest speakers and more.
When: 4 AUGUST 2024
Where: Meet at 10am by the Taylor River Amphitheatre, Blenheim | Hīkoi starts at 10:30AM
Who: This event is for all people in our community
How: Register now
Time: 10am-2pm
This kaupapa would not be possible without the support of Te Aka Whai Ora - Kia Piki Te Ora | Suicide Prevention.
We hope that you, your whānau and the wider hāpori will join us and be apart of this hikoi to acknowledge He Tapu Te Oranga o ia Tāngata.
Ngā mihi Maataa Waka Team